The Endless Future of Interactivity

8 09 2009

Listening to my 37 classmates describe their research project proposals today, I was fascinated and also somewhat overwhelmed by the amount and different types of interactivity that there may or not be in the near and distance future.

The topics for the future of interactivity are virtually endless and cover current fields and fields of the future that we as humans can only possibly imagine.  Will we someday be cyborgs and have computer chips implanted within us that will allow use to connect with the Internet and use our body’s as an interface itself.

Areas of study for these 37 research topics include the future of interactivity in education, human-computer interface design, history, advertisement, philanthropy, documentary films and many more.  What is even more interesting is how obvious it is, even now that many of the individual topics will overlap each other.  This will allow students to interact with each other throughout there research and share information and resources.   I already know of a half dozen students who are doing research projects that would allow me to collaborate with them and help myself while helping others at the same time.  Phil is concentrating his research on self-education of adults with the use of the Internet and its future versions.  He can find information regarding how adults will use the internet to acquire knowledge which I can compare to how children acquire knowledge and determine if there are any differences between how adults and children prefer to interact with different interfaces.  Karen is concentrating her studies on the hyperactivity of families in the future which will involve the use of “smarthomes” and appliances.  This involves the development of new interfaces which could be helpful information for my topic as well.  This is the essence of interactivity.

It will be exciting to see over the next few weeks and months how all of these individual research projects will develop and intersect with each other.  How interactive will our class be?



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